Thoroughly washing hands and social distancing are clearly good advice, but these actions are just the start of what we can all do to make a difference. We all have an obligation to look after ourselves and our loved ones, to not only reduce the chances of contracting the virus but also the severity of the disease, should we get it, so that those of us that require critical care can access it. So what else can we do? This is not about ‘boosting’ immune function by the way; it is about immune system ‘modulation’. The immune system’s purpose is not to overreact to the world, but instead to tolerate it (foods, pollen, dust, animal hair etc) only reacting when required, at an appropriate level, to pathogens – viruses/bacteria.
From clinical experience, clients that regularly catch infections – coughs/colds/flu/viruses, become more immunologically robust by working on their health from a multifactorial perspective. They achieve this by: • Eating organic (if possible), nutrient dense, unprocessed, natural whole foods – grass fed meats/ wild fish/vegetables/nuts/seeds/fruit and water, cutting out all added sugars/trans fats/alcohol/processed foods/gluten grains and dairy. Each and every one of our 36 trillion cells require optimal amounts of over 250 different micronutrients in order to function properly. We get these micronutrients from our food, so you not only have to consume these nutrients, you also need to be able to absorb them. Gut health is key here. Use a food state multi vitamin and mineral supplement. • Optimising vitamin D levels (check levels via finger prick testing – aim for 150 nmol/L) and take a few grams of vitamin C per day – not appropriate with certain medical conditions and always check for any adverse interactions with prescribed medications. Now that spring has sprung, aim for regular sensible sun exposure if at all possible. • Focusing on getting good sleep – this is when we repair. • Regularly exercising – at a level that is appropriate to you. • Breathing properly – an excellent way to not only oxygenate the body but also to manage stress. • Reducing exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) – the science is becoming clear, EMF exposure damages cellular biochemistry and therefore health. Recommendations include switching off your WIFI at night, swap out any DECT/mobile landline phones for corded phones, make your bedroom a technology free zone, reduce mobile phone use and do not carry/place a mobile close to your body/head. • Managing stress levels – stress increases the body’s production of corticosteroids, which are medically prescribed to suppress the immune system! Reduce exposure to the media and consider meditation/mindfulness and breath work. Stay safe and well….