Chronic Disease

You think you are well, but are you really?

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‘The solution to chronic health issues requires a multifactorial approach…there are no silver bullets’


What is health?

Health holistically encompasses the overall well-being of an individual, rather than merely the absence of disease. Staying healthy involves maintaining a well-rounded, balanced lifestyle, starting with with good nutrition; including regular exercise; as well as taking care of our mental health and interpersonal relationships. Holistic health recognises the interconnectedness of these aspects and emphasises proactive measures to counteract any potential obstacles that may get in the way of reaching the full potential on your own quality of life.

Chronic diseases and illnesses can significantly diminish quality of life by imposing persistent physical symptoms, emotional challenges, and lifestyle restrictions. These conditions often require ongoing management and treatment, which can in some instances be even worse for your overall health, even if treating the symptoms of a disease.

As a profession, we have access to a broad range of laboratories and their diagnostic tests (including DNA/genetic profiling), covering all the core functional systems in the body. Tests will be recommended to the client, when it is considered that further diagnostic information is required in order to be able to effectively and safely suggest a particular therapeutic intervention.

Our Approach

We take the functional approach when treating our clients, assessing and providing the support that the body may require in order to deal with chronic disease.

This model focuses on the causes not the symptoms of disease and is based on the premise that the body is composed of several highly sophisticated and interconnected functional systems (digestion & assimilation, detoxification & elimination, communication, defence & repair, energy, structural integrity and transport) that when working efficiently, promote optimal health and wellbeing.

Client Testimonials

"By managing my condition through diet and lifestyle, this has changed my life as well as my family’s."

Lauren - ME and Candida

"My journey to well being over the last nine months is nothing short of life changing."

Chris - Fatigue & Anxiety

Are you ready to get started?

If you would like to ask any further questions or book a initial session to please use the online form and we will be in touch about next steps.