It’s all about you and why you are presenting with your symptoms….
Nutritional therapy uses the application of evidence based nutritional and lifestyle science to promote optimal health and wellbeing, focussing on the causes rather than the diagnosis or symptoms of disease (using the ‘functional model’ of medicine). We are complementary (rather than alternative) to modern medicine aiming to work in partnership with your GP or medical practitioner for the benefit of your health. Nutritional therapy is based on the following key principles.
The Functional Model
This is a dynamic approach to assessing and providing the support that the body may require in order to deal with chronic disease. This model focuses on the causes not the symptoms of disease and is based on the premise that the body is composed of several highly sophisticated and interconnected functional systems (digestion & assimilation, detoxification & elimination, communication, defence & repair, energy, structural integrity and transport) that when working efficiently, promote optimal health and wellbeing.
Diagnostic & DNA/Genetic Testing
As a profession, we have access to a broad range of laboratories and their diagnostic tests (including DNA/genetic profiling), covering all the core functional systems in the body. Tests will be recommended to the client, when it is considered that further diagnostic information is required in order to be able to effectively and safely suggest a particular therapeutic intervention.
Biochemical Individuality
You are biochemically individual. What makes you, you, is unique to you. Your state of health, typically reflects the summation of your environmental inputs (e.g. toxins, stress, diet & lifestyle) that you have experienced over your life time. It is now scientifically recognised that these environmental inputs play the greatest role in shaping your health and well being and that the majority of chronic disease is typically preceded by a lengthy period of decline in one or more of the body’s functional systems. Whilst family history and genetics can play a significant role in the development of chronic health problems, it is now accepted, via the science of epigenetics (literally meaning ‘above’ genetics) that you are not simply a product of your genome, but that in fact ‘you’re in control’ via the choices that you make in respect of your diet, lifestyle and environment. The information required in order to functionally assess your state of health and hence make an informed evidence based scientific decision on the most appropriate nutritional and lifestyle interventions, is obtained by the completion of a pre-consultation health questionnaire along with a comprehensive initial consultation. Genetic/DNA testing is now readily available and can help to identify specific weaknesses in your genetic profile which the science shows can be managed, using highly targeted individualised nutritional and lifestyle interventions.
What next?
Nutritional therapy interventions normally take a bit of time to start showing results. After all, a number of chronic conditions by definition take a long time to develop and expecting an agreed intervention to have an immediate effect is not realistic. It is essential that the client is fully engaged in the process of achieving their desired health outcomes.
The focus of any recommended intervention is based on promoting the overall health and well being of the client as opposed to treating any diagnosed disease or symptom.