I am running a seminar at Natures Corner in Newbury on 22nd October between 6 and 7.30 pm.  There is a small charge of £3 to cover drinks and nibbles. This seminar is designed to take you on a journey through the latest research relating to the processes that are now believed to be central to the initiation and development of autoimmunity. We will explore some of the key interventions that have been developed and are being successfully employed to help people presenting with autoimmunity to potentially take back control of their health. There are over 80 autoimmune diseases and they represent the largest disease group in the Western World. Recent research, suggests that autoimmune disease develops via a complex interaction between your genes, the environment and gut health and hence there is an opportunity to potentially affect disease outcome. Both myself and the team at Natures Corner would be delighted to see you there. Natures Corner, 12 Bartholomew Street, Newbury, Berks, RG14 5LL www.naturescorner.co.uk